Monday, April 28, 2014

The Pendulum Science Experiment

The Pendulum ExperimentDescription: pendulum
The purpose of this Den Meeting is to teach the Scientific Method. This is a requirement of the Cub Scout Academics Belt Loop. This meeting was a huge hit with the Scouts and they learned a lot in the process.
The Scientific Method
In its most basic form, the thought process in the scientific method can consists of the following tasks:
·         Identifying a Problem 
·         Forming a hypothesis 
·         Designing and Performing Experiments 
·         Collecting and Analyzing Data 
·         Formulating Conclusions about the Hypothesis

Simple Science Project
Scouts will use the scientific method to solve a problem.
A pendulum is any mass which swings back and forth on a rope, string, or chain. Pendulums can be found in old clocks and other machinery. A playground swing is a pendulum.
If you pull the mass away from its rest position, so that the string is at an angle, and then let go, the mass will begin to swing back and forth. The length of time it takes the mass to swing all the way over and back, once, is called the period of the pendulum.
All three experiments will examine things we can do to the pendulum that will change the period. Here are the three questions we are asking:
Description: pendulum_setup
1.     Does the amount of mass on the end of the string affect the period?
2.     Does the angle you pull pack the string to affect the period?
3.     Does the length of the string affect the period?
In these experiments, the dependent variable will always be the time for one full swing, or the period.
The three tested independent variables will be the mass, the angle, and the length of string.
The controlled variables will be the attachment point of the string, the string itself, the method used to time the pendulum, and the variables we are not currently testing. These will remain the same for each test, so that we know they won't affect the results.
The experiments are easy to do, and don't require any special equipment. We did them ourselves using some string, a few large nuts, a pen, and a watch, and got good results for all three tests in about 20 minutes.
Here'a list of what you'll need for each group doing the experiment:
Description: pendulum_prep- a piece of string at least 3 feet long
- 3 or 4 weights, all the same
- a pen and tape, to attach the pendulum to a shelf
- a watch that counts seconds
- pencil and paper to record the results
It's also easier if you have several people doing the experiments, so that one person is free to time the swings.

The instructions for this experiment are outlined in each of the worksheets.This is the format we used for our meeting:
1.     Show a pendulum to the Scouts (simply a weight attached to a string). Swing the pendulum. 
2.     Ask Scouts the following: Does the number of times the pendulum swing depend on the weight attached to it, or the length of the string or the angle at which it is pulled back?
3.     Worksheets are provided below for three experiments: (i) vary the length; (ii) vary the mass and (iii) vary the angle.
4.     Organize the Scouts into teams to develop a way to answer the questions in the worksheets. It is ideal to have a parent or leader to run and organize each workstation. Make certain the Scouts keep their team results to themselves until the end.
5.     Scouts test their hypothesis to answer the questions.
6.     Bring the Scouts together and discuss the results.
·         When you change the mass on the end of a pendulum, the period of the pendulum does not change
·         When you change the length of the pendulum, the period of the pendulum does change. The shorter the string, the shorter the period.
·         When you change the angle of the pendulum, the period of the pendulum does not change

Interesting History
Here some interesting history that you may want to include as part of the Den Meeting. The Scouts found this very interesting. Make certain you do not tell them about Galileo's conclusion prior to them have determined the results are on their own.

The Pendulum
Have you ever been bored in Church? Kids fidget; adults sometimes gently doze. Most of us have done this at some time or another, but few have put such boredom to as good a use as Galileo, who made a fundamental scientific discovery that changed the world.
While watching a chandelier swing back and forth at the Cathedral of Pisa in 1583, Galileo noticed something curious. We might expect a chandelier swinging farther to take longer, but not so. Galileo noticed that the time period to swing through one complete cycle is independent of the amplitude through which it swings. One can duplicate Galileo's pendulum experiments by timing a weight swinging on the end of a string. For not too large amplitudes, the time period for one complete cycle will be the same regardless of amplitude. The period does however depend on the length of the string. A longer pendulum will take longer to complete one cycle. For these experiments we would use a stopwatch, perhaps one built into most digital watches these days. But in Galileo's time, wristwatches were not yet available. He timed the swings with his pulse, the only timing device at hand.

Galileo's Pendulum Experiments
Galileo used pendulums extensively in his experiments. Early in his career, he researched the characteristics of their motion. After investigating their behavior, he was able to use them as time measurement devices in later experiments.
Pendulums are mentioned in both Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems and his Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences. In these two works, Galileo discusses some of the major points he discovered about pendulums. Follow the links to jump to an experimental evaluation of the claim.
Galileo also performed experiments to examine the nature of collisions in which he used pendulums, but these experiments appear to have provided less insight and to have been less conclusive than the other experiments. These collision experiments were not repeated or evaluated.
We attempted to reproduce Galileo's findings on these main points and verify his claims. Galileo's techniques had to be modified in several ways to be practical for our resources. For one experiment in Two New Sciences, string lengths of four or five yards are suggested. For these experiments, string lengths of 24.0 cm to 99.4 cm were used. The experiments also used lead and cork balls. For these experiments, egg-shaped fishing weights and a cork fishing float were used.
Time measurement was a major issue in many of Galileo's experiments. For his pendulum experiments, Galileo seems to have compared the pendulums in pairs over the same time. For example, a person would be assigned to each pendulum of the pair and between the words "start" and "stop" each person would count the number of oscillations. This method was used for comparison in these experiments.

Galileo observed that the bobs of pendulums nearly return to their release height. Today this fact demonstrates conservation of energy, a principle not yet discovered in Galileo's time. As a recreation, pendulums were released from different heights. The height the pendulum returned to was noted and compared to the release height. No quantitative measurements were made, but in every trial, the pendulum's return height was very close to its release height. The estimated difference between the heights was no more that 3 mm for the range of string lengths used.

Galileo noted that lighter pendulums come to rest faster. As a test of this observation, two pendulums, nearly identical except for their bobs of different weights, were released at the same time and height. A bob of lead was hung with a string length of 28.9 cm. A bob of cork was hung to hang at 29.0 cm. The two were released at the same time after being pulled back about 5 degrees. After waiting for several minutes, the cork bob came to rest while the lead bob was still moving. More trials revealed the same result in agreement with Galileo.

Description: Cork and lead pendulums of the same length
Galileo claimed to have hung pendulums of cork and lead from his ceiling and measured their periods to be the same. As a test, a pendulum 29.0 cm long of cork and a pendulum 28.9 cm long of lead were used. Both were suspended and released simultaneously from the same height. For five trials, the cork was allowed to travel through ten oscillations and compared to the number of oscillations of the lead during that time. Then the process was reversed for five additional trials. The lead pendulum was allowed to travel through ten oscillations and the oscillations of the cork were counted. The results are below.
Number of cork oscillations
Number of lead oscillations
The average number of oscillations for the cork bob was 9.98. The average number of oscillations for the lead bob was 10.01. The percent difference between these averages is 0.300%. For any one measurement, the highest discrepancy was 0.1 oscillation or 1%. Galileo's discovery holds up very well in this test.

Galileo claimed that the pendulum period was independent of the amplitude in Two New Sciences. Scholars debate whether he meant that the periods are exactly the same of that they differ very little. As a test of whether they are exactly the same, two pendulums with identical lead bobs were suspended 28.9 cm. They were released at the same time from different angles. One was pulled back about 5 degrees while the other was released from about 45 degrees. The pendulum pulled back five degrees was allowed to travel through thirty cycles, and the numbers of oscillations of the other pendulum during this time were counted. The data is below.
Oscillations of 5 degree release
Oscillations of 45 degree release
The pendulum which traveled through the larger angle had a longer period. It averaged 29.42 oscillations during 30 swings of the other, and had fewer oscillations in every trial. Clearly, pendulums with different amplitudes do not have the same period. In fact, it appears that pendulums with larger amplitudes have longer periods. The difference is quite small, though. Whether Galileo's claim is true depends on interpretation of the claim, but the interpretation that identical pendulums of different amplitudes have periods independent of amplitude is false.

Description: Lead pendulums with one string about four times as long as the other
Galileo found that the period squared is proportional to the length for a pendulum. As a test, lead pendulums differing in length by factors of two and four were compared. Pendulums of lengths 24.0 cm and 50.5 cm were released simultaneously. The shorter pendulum was allowed to pass through 28 cycles as the oscillations of the longer one were counted. The data is below.
24.0 cm string
50.5 cm string
Then pendulums of lengths 24.0 cm and 99.4 cm were compared. They were released simulatneously. The shorter pendulum was allowed to pass through 20 cycles as the oscillations of the longer pendulum were counted. The data for these trials is below.
24.0 cm string
99.4 cm string
For the first data set, the longer pendulum averaged 19.9 cycles during the shorter ones 28. 19.9/28 is 0.711. The square root of the ratio of their lengths is 0.689. The percent different between these ratios is 3.14%. For the second data set, the longer pendulum averaged 9.69 cycles during the shorter pendulum's 20. The ratio between these two numbers is 0.485. The square root of the ratio of their lengths is 0.491. The percent difference between these ratios is 1.23%. For both experiments, the relationship discovered by Galileo holds well.

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